Uses of Package
Packages that use org.minidns.dnslabel
Classes in org.minidns.dnslabel used by org.minidns.dnslabelClassDescriptionA DNS label is an individual component of a DNS name.A LDH (Letters, Digits, Hyphen) label, which is the classical label form.A DNS label which contains more than just letters, digits and a hyphen.A reserved LDH label (R-LDH label), which have the property that they contain "--" in the third and fourth characters.A label that begins with "xn--" and follows the LDH rule.
Classes in org.minidns.dnslabel used by org.minidns.dnsname
Classes in org.minidns.dnslabel used by org.minidns.hla
Classes in org.minidns.dnslabel used by org.minidns.hla.srv
Classes in org.minidns.dnslabel used by org.minidns.record